2019 Happiness Project—May Update
I sound like a broken record when I say things like “this month flew by” but it’s true. The days are long but the years (and months) are short. Somehow 30ish days isn’t feeling like enough time to make much progress on my monthly happiness challenges. I think it’s partially my fault though because I figure out what I’m going to do, write it down, and then don’t revisit it. I need to get in the habit of checking my list—maybe I’ll do it each weekend when I get myself (and my stuff) prepared for the upcoming week.
Regardless of all this and the fact that it might not have been intentional, this month definitely felt fun.
#1 Find more fun
We really did have fun this month and I think it’s in large part because we were intentional about seeking it out. I wrote a few weeks ago that, “This month, I’m going to allow myself a little extra time to read and wander around local boutiques. To do be.come project when it feels right and dance around the house or practice cartwheels and the worm. To rearrange my closet or write. And I’m not going to beat myself up about liking what I like.”
I read voraciously and finished the Harry Potter series (and had SUCH an emotional reaction to it… only 12 years after the rest of the world). I explored some new cookbooks and am in the middle of four other books. I wandered at the West Side Market. The be.come project became part of my daily routine many days and I pulled a few muscles trying to dance the way I could at 15. I didn’t rearrange my closet or write that much because I just didn’t feel like it and I decided that was ok.
I also took walks with the kiddos. My husband and I dipped out of work a little early one Friday for margaritas. We had friends over for dinner and walked for two very hot hours at Taste of Cincinnati. I cleaned the house because I find that to be fun and soothing. I tried a few new recipes.

This time of year lends itself to fun so easily. Despite a fair amount of rain, we’ve had some beautiful days here. I wouldn’t describe myself as an outdoorsy person, but as I reflect on what I found fun this month, much of it was outside. Sometimes I need to get over my hesitations (I might get sweaty, putting on sunscreen is a pain, where is the bug spray) and get outside.
#2 Take time to be silly
This one was just too easy. I think silliness is inherent to parenting, so calling this a goal for the month was kind of a gimme. I’ve told dumb jokes, laughed animatedly at the ones my kids tell (whether it was truly warranted or not!), pretended to be a cat and a dog and a superhero. We read tons and I always “do the voices;” my Sofia the First character voices are spot-on at this point, thank you very much.
#3 Go off the path
I can’t claim victory on this one quite yet. My husband and I went through Walking Cincinnati and determined which neighborhood we want to visit. We settled on a route in Covington, primarily because it’s not too long and not too strenuous. However, our May weekends were packed with other things. We have a couple of upcoming weekends that are free and clear, so I expect we’ll check the box on this before too long.
#4 Start a collection
I couldn’t do it; I don’t want a collection. Maybe when my house has less large, plastic toys in it I’ll change my mind. But for now, this house feels like it doesn’t need anything else.
I’m almost halfway through the year of the Happiness Project.
And if we’re being honest, I’m not sure how much I’m getting out of them. Maybe it’s because I’ve decided to follow Gretchen Rubin’s Happiness Project so closely. Or maybe I’m just already pretty darn happy. (That is true; I am a happy person.) I’m going to see the HP through 2019 but based on the first five months, I can’t see continuing it into 2020.
I’m surprised by this. I dreamed of tackling a happiness project for a number of years and expected it to be life-changing. What I’m learning with it though is that I can’t improve many things without intentionality. It’s not enough to reread the corresponding chapter, write out my plans… and then ignore them. I need to make plans that I truly care about and then follow through.
Let’s see if I can do better in June!