A Roundup of Year-End Roundups
One of my favorite things about the end of the calendar year is the abundance of roundup stories that get published. Want to know the worst design crimes of 2018? There’s a link for that. The best memes? Gotchu covered. Biggest gaming fails? Can’t say I really care one way or the other, but someone else does and they wrote about it.
If you’re a glutton for listicles and trying to figure out what to do with this weird post-Christmas pre-New Year time, settle in with your hygge essentials and waste some time with me.
KLG + Hoda’s feel-good stories
11 pop culture phenoms we said goodbye to in 2018
The worst influencer marketing fails
50 best podcasts (I’ve only listened to 2 of these… can I get a job just listening to podcasts? Is that a thing?)
18 brilliant books written by women
11 speeches that fired up the internet
The most hopeful moments of 2018… because it feels important to end this on a high note.
There you go: a super-duper list of lists that will help you waste of ton of time! On January 1 I’m planning to become incredibly productive… but this weekend is for bumming around, reading summaries of things I already read throughout the year, and probably eating copious quantities of cheesecake.