For my April Happiness Project, I focused on being a mom.
Happiness Project

2019 Happiness Project—April Update

I feel like April just started and yet here we are on the last day of the month. Usually April feels interminable. I chalk that up to it being a rough month overall, and there were definitely some down days. In general though, I felt steady and able to focus (specifically on being a mom) this April.

#1 Take time for play

I can’t decide if I accomplished this one or not. When I made the intention, I was thinking about really active and imaginative play—dolls, cars, sprinting through the backyard. With regard to those specific things, I did them all, but probably not more often than any other month.

For my April Happiness Project, I focused on being a mom.

But I love to snuggle with my kids. I love to read to them, paint with them, do puzzles, have conversations. We did all of those things too. And this month, I tried not to get wrapped up in spotless counters and folded laundry. Those things are important (to me). However, I can become a little bit fixated on checking those boxes at the expense of other important things.

I think this month I did a better job of putting down the dust rag when my daughter asked me to color with her. I walked away from my email when my son presented me with a book he wanted to read. I believe I did ok.

#2 Make time to read

Sigh. This didn’t happen the way I wanted it to. There are some days where I literally only have one hour with the kids before they go to bed, and feeding them dinner trumps reading time. I think it was an unrealistic goal.

For my April Happiness Project, I focused on being a mom.

On the flip side though, Dude and I made a few trips to the library together while my husband took Bean to dance class. We checked out literally dozens of books and went through them at our leisure once we were home. I’ve encouraged my daughter to pick some longer books to read at bedtime so we squeeze in a few extra minutes then. She’s also started learning sight words in preschool and we spend time reviewing those as well. 

#3 Make Disney photo books for the kids

I’m more than 50% there! I finished Dude’s book and ordered it last night. I’ve started pulling photos for my daughter’s book too. I’m using the Shutterfly promo books that you only order one per month, so I knew this was carry over into May. I should be ready to order Bean’s by the end of the week. I can’t wait to present them to the kids!

Being a mom is still basically my favorite thing ever

This doesn’t mean they always get their way. It doesn’t mean that I can (or would want to) give up cleaning or cooking dinner or being a responsible adult. 

(Ok, I do want to give that up sometimes.)

But I try really hard to be a mindful, present parent at every opportunity. The things we are doing now are the things we will look back on in the future. Every day we are creating the story people will tell about us, and I want to make sure my kids can tell a story of a childhood filled with love and respect and family dinners and clean clothes and play.

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