Celebrating Mr. One-derful
It’s hard to believe my sweet little guy is already more than a year old. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. I’ve learned…
Plans for My Home Office
I work from home two days each week, plus a handful of hours here and there as the need arises. We have a small room off of our kitchen that…
A Story About a Boy and a Sock and a Parent Fail
Tonight I ran to the grocery, leaving my husband at home with the kiddos. I returned, announcing as I walked in that I had presents for everyone. I grabbed a…
My Two Cents – March 12, 2018
This is my first “My Two Cents” post, primarily because up until now, I’ve had preplanned posts. What I’ve found, however, is that on Mondays, my brain is spinning with…
Keeping IWD2018 Going
I’ve been here at my computer for a few hours with an idea for an International Women’s Day post percolating. I’ve typed a few sentences and then deleted them, over…
A Gentle Approach
My daughter is 4. She is 35 pounds of pure sunlight. I love her so strongly and so deeply that it’s frightening. She also drives me batshit crazy. Not all…
Oscars 2018 Fashion Review
Ohhhhhh, how I love awards shows. I mark the dates in my calendar and give my husband advance notice so he knows that 1. he’s automatically on duty if either…
Artist Spotlight: Beth Winterburn
I’m not sure I’ve ever found art I appreciated so wholly as Beth’s paintings. As listed on her website, her work is “characterized by bold, gestural brush strokes and minimalist…
Nike Epic Reacts and a Husband Paying Attention
My husband is a complete and total sneakerhead. He has always has been. When we first started dating (when he was 20) I had trouble understanding why it was exciting…
The Day I Met Minimalism
It was August 2013. I stood in front of my closet that was bursting at the seams and facing the typical dilemma. So many clothes, but nothing to wear. This…