In My Feelings

15 Things No One Knows About Me

This post is #3 in my September Writing Project. Details are here.

Prompt: Share 15 things no one knows about you.

  1. During a manicure, it freaks me out when the manicurist files the top of my nails. I think they do it so the polish sticks better but it’s like nails (HA) on a chalkboard to me.
  2. My earliest memory (age 3) is of throwing up on a ride at a carnival/festival event called Americana.
  3. Related: At age 3, I told many people that my parents were taking me to Americondom. 
  4. I was going to write a fashion review for the VMAs but it seems I don’t know who any of the popular people are anymore. I guess this is what getting old is.
  5. I won an art contest when I was 6 that my pediatrician’s office sponsored. This is laughable to anyone who was ever in an art class with me. The prize was $25 to Toys ‘R Us and I spent it on Barbies.
  6. My childhood bedroom had a lilac bedspread and lilac curtains and lilac wallpaper. It was… a lot. And I loved it.
  7. If I realize I’ve left the house without sunglasses, I turn around and go home for them.
  8. My dad and I used to have Father-Daughter Dates when I was in elementary school. We never went out. Instead, we ate Little Debbie Fudge Cakes while laying on the basement floor creating floor plans with Jenga blocks.
  9. I have a general rule that I don’t wear orange, yellow or brown. Current trends have me rethinking this, but adopting the rule five years ago simplified my closet.
  10. One of my biggest pet peeves is when my kids put on my flip flops. I can’t explain why this annoys me or why it’s flip flop-specific, but I keep a pair of slides by the front door and when I hear one of my kids coming down the hall in them, I lose my shit. I don’t yell because it’s not really my thing, but I ask them to remove the shoes over and over (and over and over) again until they do so.
  11. In high school, I regularly heard the sound of wind chimes in my bedroom and am convinced it was my mom’s best friend (who died when I was 14) saying hi.
  12. The Grand Cherokee I drive is honestly my dream car. Given the choice between this and a luxury SUV, I would pick Jeep every time. My only qualm is that it’s not fuel-efficient. I hope Jeep comes out with something better by the time I need a new car… which hopefully won’t be for at least another five years.
  13. I think the quality of Madewell clothes is awful. I love everything I buy there and within a month am chastising myself for continuing to spend money on clothes that rip, pill, stretch out, etc. Their name feels very ironic to me.
  14. I took five AP courses in high school and received college credit for all except AP Physics. It was particularly painful because I was dating a physics major at the time and he helped me study. He tried so hard but I was hopeless!
  15. I am a procrastinator but also very responsible. I will always get you what you need when you need it, but I’m going to wait as long as I can to get started.

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