Happiness Project

2019 Happiness Project – An August Update

In addition to and as part of my 19 for 2019, I’ve decided to tackle a Happiness Project. I first read Gretchen Rubin’s book in 2014 and became enamored of the idea. However, my desire to do things perfectly kept getting in the way. I felt like I needed to have lists and charts and plans. While all of those things are helpful, sometimes it’s better to just get started.

And so, with only a vague notion of what I’m going to do, I decided that 2019 is the year of my Happiness Project. I’m going to have the same monthly focuses Gretchen had in her book, but will modify the individual tasks to fit what’s needed in my life.

August: Contemplate the Heavens

Gretchen’s tasks for August were:

  • Read memoirs of catastrophe.
  • Keep a gratitude notebook.
  • Imitate a spiritual master.

I waffled on how I wanted to execute this month’s Happiness Project. I feel like I have a pretty strong grip on gratitude. Back in my high school years when I was struggling with anxiety and depression for the first time, my boyfriend at the time gave me a journal and suggested I write 10 things I’m thankful for each day. I continued this for years, long after we broke up. It’s not a daily practice to put it in writing anymore, but my nighttime routine helps facilitate the feeling.

Frankly, I wasn’t interested in pursuing the other two items on Gretchen’s list. I lived the catastrophe of my mom’s illness and death so I think I can check the box on learning from another’s devastation. And I don’t have a spiritual master. I just try to be a decent human.

What I Decided to Do

I spent some time thinking about my faith this month. (I am Catholic.) It’s been… a journey these last few years. Losing my mom was a major test of my faith. The failing of the Catholic Church and my own diocese to protect its children has added a layer of complexity to my musings.

Ultimately, I still identify as Catholic and we have decided to raise our kids Catholic. Even if I don’t always agree with the teachings, I want our kids to have a “home base” to start from. As they get older, they can decide if that’s where they want to stay or if a different faith feels right to them.

As I reflected, it became painfully clear that I know very little about other religions. I know I took a World Religions course in high school (or was it college?) but it didn’t stick. To combat this, I downloaded an audiobook called 12 Major World Religions by Jason Boyett. It’s a solid 12+ hours of listening so I’m waiting to dive in until I can really focus. I’m looking forward to it.

I’ve kind of phoned it in on the Happiness Project these last couple of months. It wasn’t part of my original plan, but it’s what happened and that’s ok. I have an idea for September 🙂

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