Happiness Project

2019 Happiness Project—September

In addition to and as part of my 19 for 2019, I’ve decided to tackle a Happiness Project. I first read Gretchen Rubin’s book in 2014 and became enamored of the idea. However, my desire to do things perfectly kept getting in the way. I felt like I needed to have lists and charts and plans. While all of those things are helpful, sometimes it’s better to just get started.

And so, with only a vague notion of what I’m going to do, I decided that 2019 is the year of my Happiness Project. I’m going to have the same monthly focuses Gretchen had in her book, but will modify the individual tasks to fit what’s needed in my life.

September: Pursue a Passion

Gretchen’s tasks for September were:

  • Write a novel
  • Make time
  • Forget about results
  • Master a new technology

I knew pretty quickly how I wanted to live out this month’s Happiness Project assignment.

I’m going to write every day.

For someone who professes to love writing, I sure haven’t been spending much time on it lately. 

Life gets in the way of our passion sometimes, right? I have a husband, two kids, a full-time job and a home to manage. We’ve got one kiddo back in school, an out-of-town baby-sitter, soccer and dance practices, multiple Fantasy Football drafts, a golf outing, a party we are hosting, a work event, a night out with my bestie, and every bill in the world is due—and that’s just the next seven days. 

By the time the kids are asleep each night, it takes all my energy just to turn on Netflix. My brain has NOT been in a writing mindset.

But also, it’s easy to make excuses. Life isn’t going to slow down. Some weeks will be crazier than others, but for the most part, this is our new normal. There has to be a way to fit in writing. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

I need to get back in the habit.

(Typing that made me remember the movie Sister Act. I need to rewatch that. It’s been about 25 years.)

This month, I’m pushing publish on a post every. damn. day. 

I have a long list of things I’ve been wanting to write. But some of these are lengthy or require photography (which is not my strong suit). And this month, my goal is just to get back in the practice of spilling my guts on the proverbial page.

Even though I think they can be hokey, I’m going to do this with the help of writing prompts. I spent a quick 20 minutes searching for prompts and found one resource after another. I put together my own list and each day I’m going to publish a response to a writing prompt. Here’s what I have planned:

  1. Introduce the writing challenge. (That’s today!)
  2. Talk about your first job.
  3. Share 15 things no one knows about you.
  4. How did you end up in your current job/field?
  5. What do you love about where you live?
  6. What can you improve upon?
  7. Share your favorite blogs.
  8. Write about your favorite books.
  9. What’s your enneagram number?
  10. Talk about your favorite fictional characters.
  11. What’s an ideal day for you?
  12. Share your favorite recipes.
  13. What’s on your wish list?
  14. Share a formative experience.
  15. How do you keep your kids from getting bored?
  16. Write a day-in-the-life post.
  17. Share your favorite movies.
  18. What’s the hardest thing you had to wait for?
  19. Housekeeping tips?
  20. What are you frustrated by?
  21. What do you love about this season?
  22. Share how you stay organized.
  23. What makes you happy?
  24. Plan a road trip.
  25. Talk about a prized childhood possession.
  26. Brag about yourself for one post!
  27. Share some family traditions.
  28. What’s on your fall fashion shopping list?
  29. What would you do if you won the lottery?
  30. Share your home.

I love writing.

Sometimes I love choosing the images to support what I’ve written. 

I never love choosing keywords or optimizing my posts for search.

I’m going to use stock photography (I have a subscription to Haute Stock) for most of these posts so get ready for a lot of nondescript coffee mugs. And I’m not going to optimize. It’s a pain, it slows me down, and more clicks aren’t my goal. Maybe they will be someday, but not right now.

My hope is that by September 30, daily writing feels as natural and necessary to me as brushing my teeth or taking my vitamins. 

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” —Oprah Winfrey

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